Yasemin Elmas, Cagri Eroge, Ayse Ulubay, Goksen Savas, Cagla Bas, Ozlem Giroux were present. Other board members were not able to attend due to personal and professional reasons.
Discussion Items
1- Events/Social Activities
Networking event will be held on 5th June at Shade Hotel Manhattan Beach.
LATAA will work on the preparations for Ramazan and Kurban Bayrami events, for which sponsors will be needed.
Member & Sponsor appreciation will be organized for both events.
Beach Party will be held on the 24th August at Playa Del Rey.
Composition Contest will be organized at the time when schools start.
2- Membership was discussed in order to improve it.
3- LATAA School
Graduation date is 7th June 10am-12pm at West Hollywood Library. President stated that all available BOD Members are to attend the event.
Adult School- LATAA will be working on the possibility of providing adult school service to its members and others for 2014-15 (Turkish).
4- Remarks & Item Discussions
LATAA will provide volunteers to ATASC for the Republic Day Ball..
Community Fund: LATAA made a decision to start a LATAA Community Fund with initial LATAA donation of $500 USD. Donations, as they are received for the fund will be transferred to the fund upon BOD approval.
Secretary: Cagla Bas was assigned as the Secretary.
Event attendance and participation by BOD Members was discussed as a very important issue in order to improve it. It is stated that all BOD members are expected to attend and/or volunteer all LATAA (and possibly other community) events with no exception as a part of their job description; unless they have other pressing matters or priorities.
5- Next BOD Meeting
26 June 2014 – President’s Office
I-Web Site: LATAA Board decided to post board meeting summaries on LATAA website in order to keep our transparency and open communication with our members and the community;
II- Social Events:
-Cagri Eroge was appointed as the new social events chair.
III-Student Outreach Event: It was decided that this year’s event will be held in the Fall (end of September or early October) of 2014.
IV-LATAA 10th Year Celebration:A
– We will ask our members to see how they would like to celebrate LATAA’s 10th year anniversary.
V-Sending Books to Istiklal Elementary School
– Hayrullah Aydin and Goksen Savas is working on this together, with the sponsorship of Is Bankasi.
– LATAA decided to support LATFF for their next Festival in 2015, as well.
VII-Visiting LATAA School:
– LATAA board members will continue take turns on visiting the LATAA School and meeting with Parents and students this month, as well.
– All the board members will attend to the last day of LATAA school this year.
VIII- Visiting Senators:
President and available board members will have visits with senators and local authorities.
IX- Mother’s and Father’s Day:
– LATAA will have an event to celebrate Mother’s and Father’s days on June 8, 2014.
– There will be drawing and composition contests for the kids with prizes for the winners.
X-Ramazan Celebrations:
– On July 12, 2014 LATAA will have the Ramazan dinner.
– On August 2, 2014, Saturday, LATAA will organize the Bayram event.
XI- Beach Party:
– On August 24, 2014 we will have our traditional Beach Party.
XII-Next LATAA Board Meeting will be held on May 29, 2014.