2017 Annual Student Outreach Event




Dear Students, Friends and Members,

LATAA is pleased to announce the 2017 Annual Student Outreach Event.

Our valuable speakers will be presenting their expert views in academia and private sectors. Students will have the opportunity to interact with individual speakers during the event.

Food and refreshments will be served. We will hold numerous raffle giveaways to lucky attendees.


Dr Umut Yildiz Astrophysicist – NASA/JPL
Ceren Güven Senior Recruiter
Özgür Üstündağ Animation Lead Lighter – DreamWorks
Aycan Iskent Business Immigration Attorney

1:30- 5:00 PM

LATAA, Board


Sevgili Uyelerimiz, Ogrenci arkadaşlarımız ,

LATAA , 2017 yili Student Outreach programini sizlere duyurmaktan mutluluk duyar.

Kendi mesleki alanlarinda basarili cok degerli konusmacilarimizı dinleme ve onlarla sohbet etme olanagini bu programda bulabileceksiniz.

Yiyecek ve icecek ikramimiz olacaktir. Program sonunda yapacagimiz cekilisle pek cok hediyelerimiz sansli LATAA uyelerini bulacaktir.”


Dr Umut Yildiz Astrofizik , NASA/JPL
Ceren Güven Senior Recruiter
Özgür Üstündağ Animation Lead Lighter – DreamWorks
Aycan Iskent Business Immigration Attorney

LATAA, Yönetim Kurulu